How To Trust God When The Outcome is Not What You Thought It Would Be
How do we trust God when the outcome is not what we expected? With a slight perspective change we can learn how to trust God for who He is and not just for the outcome we want.
How do we trust God when the outcome is not what we expected? With a slight perspective change we can learn how to trust God for who He is and not just for the outcome we want.
It’s been a hard year. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that sentence from people around me and even out of my own mouth. So many have experienced loss these last 12 months. Loss of jobs and security. Loss of relationships and a sense of belonging. Loss
I’m sure many of you reading this post today are sheltered at home peeking into the world through the window of an LED screen. What that window shows you may make you feel uncertain, maybe even afraid. I think it’s ok to feel afraid. It’s ok to feel confused. It’s
Sabbath… An often misunderstood word. In a large part, it’s about rest but I’m sure for many of us, our “Sabbaths” don’t feel very restful. But the rest of Sabbath is about much more than simply not working or following a list of rules. It’s about more than going to a church service.
Have you ever felt like an outsider or rejected? I have. Let me share a story from my childhood that I think will help you as it helped me.
This week we are going to talk about the 2 remaining characteristics of manipulators and how to show them the love of Christ. If you missed Part 1 of this post you can view it here. Let’s jump right in: 3. They Manipulate Themselves. CHARACTERISTIC: Manipulators don’t think of themselves
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